Growth Anticipated

There are high-demand and growing job sectors. More into and stats will continually be added to this list.

Operating Engineers: operate one or several types of power construction equipment, such as motor graders, bulldozers, scrapers, compressors, pumps, derricks, shovels, tractors, or front-end loaders to excavate, move, and grade earth, erect structures, or pour concrete or other hard surface pavement. May repair and maintain equipment in addition to other duties. Excludes Crane and Tower Operators and Extraction Workers. Starting wages are around $50k and medium wages are $75k. Top pay can reach $95k. Currently, 40% of operating engineers are 50 or older, so many openings are expected over the next decade due to retirements 1.

1. Source: Alaska Dept. of Labor

Nursing Assistants: provide basic patient care under direction of nursing staff and perform duties such as feeding, bathing, dressing, grooming or moving patients or changing linens. Includes nursing care attendants, nursing aides, and nursing attendants. Typical education and training requirements are post secondary non-degree awards. Eighty-seven percent of Nursing Assistants do not have a bachelor’s degree.The average annual wage in 2017 in the Anchorage Borough was $37,000. The expected demand for Nursing Assistants is 883 over 10 years 1.

1. Source: JobsEQ/Anchorage Economic Development Corporation

Transportation / Warehouse / Utilities job sector remains up at 300 jobs (+2.8% increase). The continuing strength in the air cargo industry at Ted Stevens International Airport, combined with a strong visitor season outlook in 2018 and its effect on passenger counts, underscores that this sector will continue to be a steady component of the Anchorage economy 1.

1. Source: Anchorage Economic Development Corporation, 2018 Anchorage Employment Report